Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Are we a HOA?

    No, Prineville Lakes 2 is a POA - Property Owners Association.

  2. What are the $150 Dues used for?

    The $150 Annual Dues are used for Paving and Maintenance of the Roads in PLA 2.

    Please click on the ‘Road Information’ page.

3. What Are Transfer Fees?

PLA 2 POA charges a one-time Transfer Fee whenever a property is sold.

Please see your copy of the Bylaws.

Please also click on the ‘Road Information’ page.

4. Do All Properties come with a Mailbox.

No, each road in PLA 2 has currently only a limited number of mailboxes, many of which are already taken.

To find out if the property of your inquiry has already an assigned mailbox or a mailbox is still available on that road, please contact the Treasurer of the PLA 2 Board by email or phone (541-815-5855).

There is a one-time fee of $150 for a Mailbox and Keys.

If keys are lost, a replacement lock and keys need to be requested and paid for at the Prineville Post Office.

5. What are the Well's fees?

Within Prineville Lake Acres 2 is a Water Well Association that is not affiliated with and independent of the POA.

Access to the two wells of the association is granted after becoming a member with a one-time joining fee of $300 and an annual usage fee of $75. The daily limit is 500 gallons, to fill a transfer tank/s.

Please call or email the PLA 2 Well Association to sign up for membership.

Phone: 541-280-4751, Email: PLA2wellassociation@

6. Culvert Information

For a Driveway Approach Application and Culvert Installation Instructions, please contact the PLA 2 Board.