Prineville Lake Acres 2 encompasses a beautiful area of approximately 3 square miles off Davis Loop. There are 895 privately owned lots that are accessible by a 27 miles road system. These roads, deemed private, are the sole responsibility of and managed by its Property Owners Association with a governing body of an elected Board of Directors. 


Speed limit on paved roads is 35 miles per hour and gravel roads is 20 miles per hour.

To give our roads as long a life of drivability as possible and reduce repair costs, PLA 2 established speed limits as follows:

Paved roads - 35 mph
Gravel roads
- 20 mph

It is greatly appreciated by the PLA 2 Community for both property owners and the public users to observe these posted speeds.


The annual Dues for each lot are $150. They are due on June 30th of each year.

The Dues collected are allocated ONLY to the roads. They are divided into two (2) accounts, Paving, Maintenance. This is done as follows:

Dues total: 895 x $150 = $134,250

Paving receives $75 of each $150 collected, which is 895 x $75 = $67,125.

Maintenance receives $75 of each $150 collected, which is 895 x $75 = $67,125.

For Members to be eligible to vote on issues presented at any membership meeting, these Dues must be current, within one year, according to the Treasurer's records.


PLA 2 POA plans to eventually pave all of it’s 27 miles system. Currently, there are 17 miles that have been paved and 10 miles that are graveled.

A lottery system had been established to draw each year a road to be paved. This draw is done at the Membership Meeting in June by a Member present.

The length of pavement a road might receive is depending on the funds available and the costs required any given year, always with the intend to pave as much as possible.

For each road project, if it is paving, gravel maintenance, overlays, repairs, etc., the Board of Directors goes out for bits.

Additional Funds

PLA 2 POA charges a one-time Transfer Fee of $1000-$2500, whenever a property is sold. With these fees collected within each year, the Board of Directors pays for all its expenses, including mailings, computers, and phones, an Emergency Fund that is always kept at $20,000, any snow removal or weed control, street signs, etc.

After all expenses are taken care of, whenever money is left over from the transfer fees, the funds are put in equal amounts into the accounts, such as paving and maintenance.